Teens Rule the Summer at drt!


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You may think - because all four DRT Children's Theatre Camps are filled for this summer - that the gorgeous fellowship hall at Trinity Ave. Presbyterian Church where we hold our camps will be creative and positive only because of the presence of 5-12-year-olds - but that is far from the truth! On the first day of each camp, 25 campers will join a Table Group of five campers, and each Table Group will be joined by one of our FANTASTIC TEEN TEACHING INTERNS - And Teen Teaching Interns make all the difference to the success of our children's camps.

Teen Teaching Interns provide crucial community service with DRT each summer - while gaining real skills in theatre, teaching and camp management. Check out our Teen Teaching Internship positions at durhamregionaltheatre.com/theatre-camps/ - download the job description and application form - fill it out today - it doesn't take that long - and send it back to durhamregionaltheatre@gmail.com.

Former DRT Teen Teaching Interns have gone on to colleges including Harvard Univ., George Washington University (DC,) Howard Univ. and  Univ. of Rochester in New York. Teens (ages 13-19) are invited to join this great tradition in theatre and education today! 

See you in the summertime,

Jenny Justice

Spring Has Arrived and DRT Has Broken All Records

As the earth displays her first burst of spring glory with daffodils, forsythia and tulips, DRT is bursting too - for the first year since we began offering our exciting Summer Theatre Camps in 2011, ALL of our CHILDREN'S THEATRE CAMPS are full with young actors. We still have space in our 3-week TEEN THEATRE CONSERVATORY in July and are accepting applications for summer camp TEEN TEACHING ASSISTANTS - Join the excitement this summer. You can get TEEN ASSISTANT job descriptions and applications, and register for the life changing Teen Theatre Conservatory at our Education/Summer Theatre Camps page. And create something great with DRT this summer!


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2 Spaces Open Up for Children's Theatre Camp 1


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Two spaces have opened up for our Children’s Theatre Camp 1, June 15-27, 2015. This almost never happens so take advantage of opportunity and REGISTER your young actors for this great experience today. Find out why campers return to DRT summer after summer, year after year!

Also, we are still accepting registrations for our first camp of the summer, “A Play A Day 1,” June 8-12, 2015 and for our "Teen Theatre Conservatory" in July.

For Information and Registration go to our Education/Summer Theatre Camps page.

Happy Spring, Jenny Justice




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PAD Cast.jpg

It is exciting each time we begin a new session of acting classes at Durham Regional Theatre, and this spring brings extra anticipation with TWO new classes about to take off - on Wednesday we hold our first DRT Satellite class at Sandy Ridge Elementary School and on Thursday we begin the great adventure of "Hamlet Project Durham."

I hope everyone has been keeping up with our progress and the new website (Two people have let me know they are having trouble accessing the site and I'm working with SquareSpace to try and figure out what's up. If you're having any access trouble, please use the old DurhamFamilyTheatre.wordpress.com blog site - I'm keeping the info there up-to-date.)

Meanwhile, our first summer theatre camp has filled past the brim (Play A Day 2 is now closed for registration) and the others are fast moving that way - so is you want to create something great with DRT this summer, register asap on our durhamregionaltheatre.com/theatre-camps/ page.

Spring is definitely in the air!

Warmly, Jenny Justice

March 12,

Jenny Justice & Joy Harrell-Goff (Music)

After months of discussions and preparations, today Durham Family Theatre has officially been renamed Durham Regional Theatre - there are butterflies in my stomach, such as a new actor feels while waiting in the wings for that first entrance. There are, I will confess, a few tears in my eyes as I say goodbye to the Durham Family Theatre blog site where we posted nearly 200 messages and received over 15,000 visits. And then I think this is, indeed, a very butterfly-like moment and wonder what the beautiful insect feels as its wings first stretch and fly. 

I look forward to hearing our creative community's thoughts and ideas via our visions for the future; to begin, I hope you'll post a comment letting us know what you think of the new website. We hope it is beautiful to look at, easy to use and tells you what you need to know about getting involved with Durham Regional Theatre.

Warmly, Jenny Justice


March 8, 2015

We had another positive, hardworking DFT/DRT board meeting today - everyone pitched in with ideas and offers to take on extra tasks as we approach the day - THIS COMING THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 - when we will make the formal announcement of our new name and unveil the Durham Regional Theatre website to everyone who has supported Durham Family Theatre through 4 1/2 years of steady growth. I'm excited thinking of what we will create together in the next five years.

Warmly, Jenny Justice
